Sunday, November 1, 2009

Spiritual Experience when Playing Music

When you’re playing keyboard, piano or guitar for sometime, you should get upon periods to forget yourself and the only music remains, a phenomenon where emotion become intellect and you think outside world disappears. Then you might have a spiritual experience.

"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife."
-- Kahlil Gibran

If we admit or not, the experience we all we want. New age music especially is very important part of a making music. To stop thinking and start feeling that make we want to wait for the moment.

Some type of music can be a valuable aid to meditation and a particular kind of music is well known as therapy that helps in the establishment of divine bonds. Through meditation, it assists in the healing and relaxation. Such as jazz, dance music, blues, or hip-hop of course there are times when we create something for a specific purpose. Every you play a music flow from your fingers the magic make you want to come back again and again for more, that make to your feeling and letting with the music. You just place your fingers on a chord and of you go. It only requires that you know a little about chords and how to use them.

There are thousands of choices. What makes this complicated for some is their indecision about which chord or notes to play.This is a free lesson so, I give you a scale to play and a few chords from that scale to improvise with. Because, the solution for this problem is limiting your choices.

Imagination going to get this enough of material. I fought them too until I realized that my goal was to feel good about music making - not to create a masterpiece. Others students wants to know their world in music.

I froze up at soon I though about creating anything. I making a music and came to the conclusion to keep it simple and I re-examined my reason. Technically, I knew a lot but it did me not good.Sometime, I feel boring. But I have courage with others and I have spirit in music experience.I have a wonderful time when I play piano there is nothing limitation within so, myself fall into the world of music. Although, just a little sound get in my heart the pentatonic calls me, simply stay in my heart makes me pleasure as a dream.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
-- Berthold Auerbach

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