Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Best Spirituality Prayer Will Be Received

Reaching out – speaking to God are define prayer, petitioning, pro-active provides peace and spiritual uplift to pray is entreat and offers hope. Especially meaning for prayer is characteristic of acts done by some one who believes they are separate from The God. You can assume you are inferior and God is outside of you not within. Each individual meaning of the word prayer validates this premise.

The power in prayer is when they do healing work of practitioners of spiritual healing. Obviously humans always prayed to God for protect, help, bless and appeased a punishing also guidance from strike down our enemies. Practitioners of spiritual healing know that there is power in prayer when they do healing work. Humans have always prayed, looking outside themselves to some Supreme Being for protection, help, guidance or blessing.

We have prayed to appease an angry or a punishing God, we have petitioned God to strike down our enemies. As part of human activity is prayer, so we have prayed to God on our behalf blessing us with good harvests, health, and fair weather? So prayer is a reflection our fear emotions, love, devotion and learned to do part of human activity. Importance of prayers is our communion with The God from our deep heart and our mind.

A healer’s role pray is gets energy of God as a connection divine to connect. To love and show compassion for others so, God doest the rest prayer is communication with God between the created and the creator. And also God has to say to us from many ways through with much guidance. Also by sign or guidance a simply hunch or good feeling In essence part of prayer we hear voices God must be from the heart truly attitude. The anchor of mind for petition and affirmation words in our mind is when the prayer has hearts words beyond energy healing God in the simple resting with The Spirit.

Prayer will be received by the God just we are always continue pray with deep truly and fight effort to reach highest spirituality. May you are unbelievable that anyone listen to you the energy flow like holy water came to you like rainy falls, so if you ask the God for help, it might be answering! Prayer is something the best purpose effort for healing spirituality, honest and legitimate reason is the prayer with highest spirit will be received by THE GOD!

Friday, November 6, 2009

About Spiritual Healing

In terms of physical many people think is healing only. The physical level just involve to the human illness, the soul even emotions and the mind it may involve. The recovery is playing a role the spiritual healing. The physical body its spiritual healing more to do with the mind and the soul. The Intelligent or immaterial part of a human being spirituality is rejuvenation spiritual healing of the body and the mind through. Energy, manifest in light and sound is everything in the universe exists. Chakras or energy points has several parts of human body. Chakras creates an aura around the body is flow in energy. The state of health of any individual, these auras help us to determine. Result in the good health of an individual only a proper aura or energy flow. We are prone in different kinds of diseases so, in case aura is not good for our body. With different spiritual energy healing techniques, can be regulated by the proper energy flow in our body.

Concept of spiritual healing

The concept God can healing everything in Divine order and in Divine timing, the spiritual person accepts god and accepts the concept by open and honest. A person who request healing, has faith, and trust he will heal them. So, that the simply God’s healing.

Characteristic spiritual healing

A deeper need for healing their soul is a person develops symptoms of physical illness it indicates. The Laws of the Universe sometimes has known to heal an illness or disease with Spiritual healing one must base this healing on metaphysical. One must openly surrender the issue or problem to the higher source to heal an illness or disease with Spiritual healing. The Laws of the Universe and the invisible power of God have the power to heal themselves by using the principals of Spirituality for everyone. Using energy spiritual healing is connecting with God and becoming enlightened. Although complements conventional medicine in many ways including healing the whole body physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually can be used alone by Spiritual Healing. This type of Healing there are two ways you can receive.

You may prefer to learn how to heal yourself you can have regular treatments from a healer. Often enables one to develop and advanced their Psychic Abilities also Spiritual Healing opens up the connection with divine and his helpers (Guardian Angel and Spirit Guides, Fairies etc). Using pure vibration life force energy other wise known as enlightenment Spiritual healing is following the natural laws of the Universe. On all levels including mind, body and spirits Spiritual Healing complements conventional medicine healing the whole body. That you are a part of a loving and advanced spiritual connection true enlightenment is opened up through the wiliness to accept the Laws of the Universe with faith and an inner knowing and acceptance.

Potential for spiritual healing

In many areas of your life-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually the holistic effects and benefits of healing can be felt. To be deeply relaxing, profound and life changing many people have reported this. Become a healer to either heal themselves or others anybody can learn Spiritual Healing. To recover from stress, depression or any other kind of mental tension or trauma Spiritual Healing could help you. By meditation these health problem can be easily treated. Will improve your immune system and your overall health by meditation. Clouse to the Source and in harmony with nature you bring Holistic Healing.

Kind of spiritual healing

With spiritual healing energy there are so many ways one can connect. The list is endless they include Prayer, Visualization, Meditation, Reiki, Spiritual Art, Angel Assisted Healing, Channeling of Spiritual Guides and Angels, Singing, Chanting, Drumming, Yoga, Tai Chi etc. In the process as well many people have found they have developed and advanced their own natural psychic abilities. In spiritual energy healing just praying regularly helps too. Increase our concentration praying gives us a peace in mind and help.

Which gives us a really pleasant sensation this generates positive though and positive energy in ourselves? To improve their health some people even claim that for some one else helps them. The main principle behind all of them is the same whatever the technique used. For spiritual energy healing so one can use any of the several available options. Not immediate regular practice and patience is needed as the results of these techniques however. Very helpful and easy is having experience guide, similarly.


A desire to do so is anybody can learn spiritual heals all that is required. Others and even send healing to people and situation are the others side of the world everyone can develop connection with God and learn to heal themselves. We are part a greater power than most people are aware spiritually allows one to see that. Open to anyone regardless of religion and race is spiritually and spiritual healing. With The Divine and life force energy everyone has ability to connect. You can live a healthy and happy life, with the help of positive energy and will to heal you illness.

New lease of life give by Divine energy around you. Where as when your thoughts are positive and you are calm and recharged with healing energy you feel healthy and happy when you put a lot of stress on mind and body you feel like withdrawing from the world. Spiritual healing is being practiced by more and people due to numerous benefit. An individual towards self as well as others spiritual virtues should be foundation of the responsibilities. As to attain spiritual healing for ultimate wellness so, this is what and how one must live consciously and subconsciously at all time.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What is Motivational Rap?

Every time I say "Motivational Rap" people tend to look at me as if I just said something foreign. I don't get upset because I can understand the reason. When you look in the music store in the rap section there are usually two main categories; "gangster rap", and "gospel rap". Now we all know that gospel rap is obviously spiritual music(usually Christian) that speaks to the soul of listeners. We also know that "gangster rap" is usually filled with violence and explicit lyrics. So what about everyone else? What about the poets who speak music that motivates listeners? What about people who speak the truth in a fashion that does not have to be explicit?

Speaking from someone who has sold thousands of books and motivational rap songs, I often wonder what it would take for the stores to recognize this genre of music. I don't want anyone to think that I am bashing anyone's music because I respect everyone's art. I do however, speak for the parents who I come in contact with who ask me "why don't more people make the type of music that I make". There are a lot of artist who make positive music it's just that the public rarely gets to hear them.

I am not a perfect human being. I have made mistakes in life and I've been through more issues than most people. But because I chose not to curse in my music and write lyrics to keep youth from following the wrong paths in life, I don't qualify for "Gangster rap" status. I am also a spiritual person but I don't write every song about my spiritual beliefs so I don't qualify for "Gospel Music" status. So until the powers that be realize that there is a genre of music that parents, teachers, students and thousands of enthusiast are already buying, I will continue to deliver this information to the masses. Thank you for reading.

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The Potential And Purpose Of Music

The dictionary defines Music as "the science or art of combining tones into a composition having structure and continuity:Also as vocal or instrumental sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony.

This is a wonderfully academic definition and be it far from me to question the authority of the dictionary,however this definition describes more the process of producing music than it defines what music actually is. Music is far more than a science it is in fact a creative force a spiritual dimension of life. Music has been apart of the human experience in every culture and society of mankind since time began. From the earliest cultures of man until now music has been used to express a wide range of human emotions from love, joy and celebration to sadness,anger and fear.Music has been used to inspire patriotism,incite wars and promote peace. Music is so much apart of us that we could not imagine a world or an existence that did not include this dimension of life. My point here is not to make a case for any particular genre of music but rather to help us understand that whether we know it or not the reason music is so much apart of us regardless of our age, race ,cultural background, or preferred musical genre and the reason it affects us the way it does is because in essence music is spiritual.

Understand that any thing that has the ability to alter our mood(positively or negatively), give language to feelings we cannot express, or transport us back in time or forward into the future is a spiritual force. Music does all these things on varying levels. When we speak of things being spiritual we are speaking of that which possess the following: potential,purpose and power


At this point I must inform you that music like many other things in life such as money and even religion has the potential for good as well as evil. If we believe that music is spiritual than it is crucial to understand that there is a good and an evil side to spirituality and spiritual things. For example the same knife that can be used to prepare a wonderful meal can also be used to mortally wound some one. The same wealth that can be used to feed the poor and promote positive change in the world could also be used to fund the trafficking of Illegal drugs or guns. In recent years the positive potential of music has been rediscovered as many mental health and therapy organizations are now including the use of music as a part of there therapy and recovery programs. Yet this is nothing new, in the bible there is a story of a great king named saul who was tormented in his soul and mind by an evil spirit. it was recommended to him that he employ the service of a skillful minstrel(musician). He was made aware of a young man named david who it was said was a cunning(expert,master) musician. David was brought before the king and he became the kings personal attendant. Whenever king Saul would start having one of his tormenting episodes David would play his instrument and the scriptures declare that as david played Saul would be refreshed and made well (read more in I SAMUEL 16). The positive potential of music to change our society and culture cannot be underestimated. Which brings us to the next thing we must understand about music.

The Highest Purpose

Someone has aptly stated: "that when the purpose of something is not known abuse is inevitable" when those who have been uniquely gifted to release the dimension of music into the earth fail to understand the reason for there gift it is possible to unknowingly(and in some cases knowingly) use the musical gift in a way that it becomes a conduit for the release of evil, perversion and negativity into the world. This is where we come to a very important point. music in and of it self is a neutral spiritual force. what do I mean? Its like a glove lying on a table it's just there until someone with the ability to give it form puts his or her hand into it and then it assumes the form of the hand that it contains. In the same way music with all of its potential and possibility simply hoovers in the spiritual atmosphere around us awaiting to be employed by some one who has the musical ability to take it and form it into a song or composition and bring the awareness of it into the earth for the world to hear. When this process takes place the music simply assumes the form of the one forming it. What ever philosophy of life or worldview the gifted musician holds good or bad will inevitably be transmitted into there music and songs. So what is the purpose of music? I do not believe that we can answer this question, until we answer the question of the origin of music. since we know that music is a neutral spiritual dimension, we must then conclude that it has a spiritual origin. in other words, that which is spiritual comes from that which is spiritual. The bible declares in the book of John 4:24 that "God is a spirit" one of the most profound aspects of God's spiritual nature is the creative aspect of his nature, in fact the first thing we learn about God in the bible is that he is the creator of all things, that means that every realm, domain, sphere, atmosphere and dimension was created by God(read Genesis 1 &2). in the book of revelations 4:11 it says "worthy are you our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for you have created all things, and because of your will they existed, and were created. All things include the dimension of music with all its potential and power which includes those who have been gifted musically to release the benefit of music into the earth. Herein lies the purpose of music.

Let me say right here that I am not talking about whether your chosen genre is classical, jazz, pop, r&b gospel or contemporary Christian, the issue is one of heart motivation. As a gifted musician,composer,singer what is the heart motivation behind your music. The bible says that that our highest motivation as musician's should be to perform,write and produce music that glorifies God and demonstrates the greatness of his creative spirit in the earth. Might I add that that this does not always mean that the songs or musical compositions have to be in the genre of what is known as gospel or Christian music. If the music was inspired buy Gods creative spirit
and the heart motivation of the musician or composer was to inspire and add value and meaning to the life of the hearers in a positive, creative,powerful and beautiful way than this is a good work that glorifies God. This is what we learn when study the life of Great composers of the past such as Bach, Handel, Beethoven and Mozart. These men were master musicians and composers who were aware that there musical genius was a divine gift, but their music was more than just religious, it was inspired by Gods creative spirit within them. I only use the classical genre to make a point not to say that it is better or more meaningful than another genre,however there is reason why the works of these men are still used and referenced in the musical programs of our institutions of higher learning and even today are used as bench marks of Excellence and music mastery.

My point is that music has a purpose and the potential to change the spiritual climate of the earth. And I believe that we are about to see a modern renaissance as the creative spirit of God inspires musically gifted individuals both inside and outside of the church to begin to compose and bring fourth music that will promote change in our societal and cultural landscape.

If you are a musician reading this and in your heart you sense that this is your destiny begin by asking God to change your heart, recognize that your gift was given to you by the God of heaven and earth to be a conduit of his presence and voice to the world. dedicate your life to knowing God in a personal way and dedicate yourself to the craft of your music as a service for humanities good.

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Spiritual Inspiration Music and the New Age

Spiritual Inspiration Music is about Love, Growth, Spiritual and Personal Development and our relationship to the Divine. It's about opening up, being your Self, expressing that Self by allowing the Great Creator to move through you.

The songs come from the Great Beyond where Spiritual Inspiration Music dwells, from where God teaches us how to express ourselves through our creativity in order to bring more Truth and Beauty to the World.

Spiritual Inspiration Music and Psychological Development go hand in hand. They rely on each other to teach us new things about ourselves. They involve us through the vibrations we feel at a cellular level. These vibrations open us up to ourselves, and let us feel ourselves at a deeper level. They help us identify what is ours to bear and to express.

Growth is all there is you see, and Spiritual Inspiration Music allows you to grow to your fullest potential. Nothing excites us more than music, and music is a symbol to the Soul. A symbol of Love and Gratitude, of Expansion and Growth, of Daring and Persuasion. It presents the opportunity of advancing ourselves through our causes and delights.

When we speak of Bliss, we speak of music's power to open us up. When we seek out such music, we do so to align ourselves with those higher vibrations. These then turn us around to allow us to view ourselves from a whole different angle. This view can be awesome, stupendous, outrageous even. For in this viewing do we see ourselves soar, beyond limits imposed by others and our society.

We see ourselves "In Flight," conquering the greatest mountains, astounding our predecessors who were so scared to open themselves up. That's what this New Age is about - Opening Ourselves up to the Great Beyond, to "All-That-Is," to the One Who Animates All Life, including Ours of course.

And that's what Spiritual Inspiration Music does - it helps us to Open Up! Why? So we can Grow of course. What else is there to do here on this splendid planet?

Maurice Turmel holds a PhD in Counseling Psychology. He was a practicing therapist for nearly 25 years providing counseling and therapy to individuals, groups, organizations and families. He is the author of "The Voice - A Metaphor for Personal Development"; "Mythical Times - Exploring Life, Love & Purpose"; and "How to Cope with Grief and Loss - Support, Guidance and Direction for Your Healing Journey". He has been a guest on numerous regional television and radio talk shows and hosts his own radio shows on and on

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Relationship of Music and Spirituality

Music has a close connection with spirituality. Spiritual music has the capacity to enlighten our minds and inspires us to dive deep within. The most profound spirituality involves peace and silence. But to enter this realm of peace and silence it is quite practical to take the benefit of spiritual, soulful music.

Music that helps us spiritually is music that elevates and uplifts our consciousness. It is music that makes rather than breaks. Some music embodies a restless, aggressive quality. Spiritual music energies our inner being, but it does this without creating restlessness and vital excitement. Spiritual music can be a great aid to meditation. If we listen to music with our heart it awakens the inner aspiration to dwell in the higher realms of consciousness. The great composer Beethoven said of music

"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. Although the spirit be not master of that which it creates through music, yet it is blessed in this creation, which, like every creation of art, is mightier than the artist."

A popular form of spiritual music is bhajans. Bhajans are simple devotional songs, which are sung many times to invoke a quality of God , The Supreme. Many spiritual teachers have noted the power of devotional music to help seekers spiritually. To sit in silent meditation may be difficult for many seekers, but to enter into the spirit of devotional music is to get the fruits of meditation in an easy and accessible way. For some aspirants devotional music alone is a way to reach the goal. The great Indian Saint Sri Chaitanya sung endlessly devotional bhajans to Sri Krishna. His infectious singing, inspired many in India to follow the path of Bhakti yoga. His bhajans to Krishna are still sung today.

Spirituality and music can never be separated. If music awakens our inner aspiration we will be inspired to dive deep within. Sri Chinmoy says of music:

“When we play soulful music, we elevate our consciousness most rapidly. Soulful music is a form of aspiration, a form of meditation.”

From the outer music we will become in touch with the inner silence. In our deepest meditation great seekers say that we can hear the divine music in the depths of our own heart.

Music also has the capacity to bring people together. It is something that unites rather than divides. Speaking at the legendary Woodstock festival of 1969 the spiritual Guru Swami Satchidananda offered a welcoming address to nearly half a million spectators.

“I am overwhelmed with joy to see the youth of America gathered here in the name of the fine art of music. In fact through music we can work wonders”

Many who attended Woodstock of 1969 felt it was a unique occasion when so many people were attracted by the ideal of harmony and friendship that transcended any cultural or racial barrier. Oneness and harmony is an indispensable part of spirituality, music helps this to become a reality.

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How Music Elevates Spirituality

Spiritual music is music that elevates our consciousness and helps us to meditate. Thus, the discussion of how music elevates spirituality begins.

Spiritual music communicates directly to the soul and affects us on a subtle and often unconscious level. This is music that has somewhat of the same sound, though it is usually described as music that reflects a spiritual belief.

This type of music can be a valuable aid to meditation and is a particular kind of music that helps in the establishment of divine bonds. It assists in the meditation, healing and relaxation of the soul.

Spiritual music offers pulses with global rhythm, sweet melodies and heartfelt devotion that invokes the heart and lifts the spirit. It is often composed by people who have already reached higher levels of spiritual upliftment who understand that music can be something that heals and soothes the heart and mind.

It is music that facilitates an easy way to inspire people to meditate; as music and religion are for the seekers, for the music-lovers, for the truth-servers because it can express and connect with the deepest parts of us and has been part of spirituality since the beginning of human culture.

Music is currently being used in a spiritual sense by music therapists and clinical interventions in process-centered ways to garner outcomes that help clients improve, maintain, and restore a state of optimal well-being.

This is the voice of the human spirit and only loses its freedom by being subject to the laws of technique. However, mystics in their sacred music, regardless of the worlds praise, free both their composition and improvisations from the limitations of technicality. Music, in much the same way, has been handed down by musicians from generation to generation.

Spiritual music can inspire non-spiritual listeners in the same way that God inspires unaspiring humanity. God Himself is the Supreme Musician and each human being is a note in His cosmic Game. God is playing His cosmic role in mankind through music.

Song styles can include contemporary folk, boogie-woogie, lullaby, blues, swing, jazz, new age, and others. However, style does not matter because mind is an aggregate of all life experiences be it pain, pleasure, hurt, anger, joy or anxiety. Whatever, the feeling, spiritual music reaches out to soothe all emotions.

American Negro spirituals are religious folk songs of American origin, particularly associated with African-American Protestants of the southern United States. African tradition also included polyphonic and choral singing. Soulful music is a form of aspiration, a form of meditation.

Spirituals are primarily expressions of religious faith, originated by African slaves in the United States. They uplift in times of crisis, heal, comfort, inspire and instill hopes and dreams, thereby transforming individuals, communities, and whole societies.

Spirituals Medleys are songs that could be heard out in the cotton fields of the Old South and were created over a 200-year period, but not until after the Civil War were most Americans aware of their existence.

Spirituals can be divided into three categories: "Deep River," "Balm in Gilead," and "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child" and are suffused with feelings of self pity and a longing for change.

Negro spirituals were considered mainly as traditional songs and were the first uniquely American music to come out of this country. Negro spirituals are American's first great musical contribution to the world. All of these variations are how music elevates spirituality.

Jackie Spivey is the Author of this Article. He is an artist who has a very creative, eclectic collection of music that is available for your listening pleasure. You can listen to and/or download the song, LOT at JacSan Records.

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Spiritual Experience when Playing Music

When you’re playing keyboard, piano or guitar for sometime, you should get upon periods to forget yourself and the only music remains, a phenomenon where emotion become intellect and you think outside world disappears. Then you might have a spiritual experience.

"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife."
-- Kahlil Gibran

If we admit or not, the experience we all we want. New age music especially is very important part of a making music. To stop thinking and start feeling that make we want to wait for the moment.

Some type of music can be a valuable aid to meditation and a particular kind of music is well known as therapy that helps in the establishment of divine bonds. Through meditation, it assists in the healing and relaxation. Such as jazz, dance music, blues, or hip-hop of course there are times when we create something for a specific purpose. Every you play a music flow from your fingers the magic make you want to come back again and again for more, that make to your feeling and letting with the music. You just place your fingers on a chord and of you go. It only requires that you know a little about chords and how to use them.

There are thousands of choices. What makes this complicated for some is their indecision about which chord or notes to play.This is a free lesson so, I give you a scale to play and a few chords from that scale to improvise with. Because, the solution for this problem is limiting your choices.

Imagination going to get this enough of material. I fought them too until I realized that my goal was to feel good about music making - not to create a masterpiece. Others students wants to know their world in music.

I froze up at soon I though about creating anything. I making a music and came to the conclusion to keep it simple and I re-examined my reason. Technically, I knew a lot but it did me not good.Sometime, I feel boring. But I have courage with others and I have spirit in music experience.I have a wonderful time when I play piano there is nothing limitation within so, myself fall into the world of music. Although, just a little sound get in my heart the pentatonic calls me, simply stay in my heart makes me pleasure as a dream.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
-- Berthold Auerbach